Friday, December 24, 2010

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Aaand we're back!

So it's been two years since I've posted here. My first project this winter break has been to create a personal website. I put in a "blog" link in the navigation bar, so that means that I need to actually start this thing up again. My site can be found at Sauza's Website!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

It's been awhile...

but so what? It's not as if I'm obligated to use this thing. Maybe I'll embark on a campaign of annual 'state of the union' posts. That seems original enough, neh?

Lets review the past year. First year at MIT was great; I even did decently academically, ending up with 3 A's and 2 B's; I really should have gotten A's in Bio and Physics, but I'm not going to beat myself over the head with it. I also declared a major: Course 3 - Materials Science and Engineering. It's basically applied chemistry, but more awesome, because you get access to the forge/foundry and the glasslab in the basement. In addition to the full complement of course 3 classes I believe I'll be starting Chinese I this fall, so we'll see how that goes. Taekwondo has been going well: this year Snix and I will form the two-person "Equipment managing duo of Awesomeness" (not unlike the wonder twins, except with doboks...which are much cooler costumes anyway). With any luck I won't completely suck at sparring this year.

Summer has been pretty good; went UROPing in Mexico for a month and then came back to Boston to continue the project. It's nice being on my own but I do miss the opportunity of hanging out with my high school friends, most of whom are in Atlanta for the summer. I was going to go on a family vacation in August but my UROP advisor unfortunately wasn't too keen on the idea, so it looks like I won't be going back to the South until Thanksgiving or so. I'll try to update more regularly with specific topics, but that was a quick rundown of how things are going right now. Sauza out.

Monday, April 16, 2007

And so it begins...

CPW has come and gone (I'll post about it later) (Basically it was awesome). One of its more unexpected effects was the inspiration to start a blog. Now, I've been through livejournal, xanga, myspace (although myspace isn't really a blog) at one time or another and while these are all wonderful sites (except for myspace. Does myspace even have a purpose?), it will be nice to start anew on a website not-quite-so-affiliated-with emo poetry and AIMlogs. There will, of course, be rants...which brings us, of course, to our next topic:

My flight to Boston was actually on time, a rarity for this shining example of aeronautical efficiency. The return trip was not quite so lovely... Delta, in waht appears to be an attempt save money, has implemented a system of heavily overbooking flights, such that even though one may possess a boarding pass, there is no guarantee that one will actually be able to board the plane. Apparently Delta thinks that there exists a large population of millionaires with loads of free time who regularly purchase airline tickets just for kicks, with no intention of actually taking the flight. With this rationale in mind, it's appalling that my mother, myself, and eight other individuals were unable to score seats for the trip back to Atlanta. Perhaps the millionaire's private jets had all been damaged after the valet got a bit tipsy during a cocktail party and said millionaires were forced to actually fly Delta. Long story short: we got home at 8 instead of 1. I guess the oompah-loompahs had fixed the private jets by the time the 6:00 flight rolled around